My name is Rooney, The Wonder Dog. I added the "Wonder Dog" part, because it's so true! I am a Landseer Newfoundland who lives and travels with Kiki, my constant companion. She's awesome! Kiki feeds me, walks me, and takes me to lots of new places. When we go on trips, we live in this really cool old trailer that looks like a tin can, except we don't spend much time in the trailer. Mostly, we walk in the wilderness for days at a time, and Kiki lets me run and chase wild animals. Some of them tease me, some are just big bullies (like the raccoons!) but it's all good.
I'm innocent! |
When I was a puppy, Kiki took me on our first trip. She got so mad at me, because I stole her firewood, but it was fun to chew on. I still do that, but I've learned how to be sneaky about it. I've learned a lot since that first trip. Kiki has taught me how to guard our campsite, walk nicely on a leash, come back when she calls me, and I've learned how to swim in the Great Lakes! Mostly, though, I've learned that
everybody loves me! Wherever we go, people want to pet me and talk to me, and sometimes they give me treats. Kiki says I "open doors" for her. She likes to talk to people and hear their stories, so she can write about them. I like to help by looking lovable and attracting people for Kiki. We're a team!
Meeting people and making friends |
Guard dog extraordinaire! |
When Kiki tells her stories, she doesn't always tell the whole story. I see things she doesn't, and I can figure people out better, so I am excited to tell you about our trips, and our life at home. I hope you'll keep reading!